Trace Garretson

Unleash Your Potential

About Me

I always wanted a mentor to show me the path. Maybe there was a shortage of leaders willing to share what they knew. Maybe I was supposed to learn the hard way. I called for help, and nobody answered.

So, I walked alone. It needed to be this way for me to become fully present for the lessons ahead.

If you’re reading this now, I believe your life is meant to change forever, right here in this moment. The knowledge ahead laid the foundation that allowed me to build a life beyond anything I had ever hoped or dreamed was possible.

October 27, 2023: 163 lbs VS. November 15, 2024: 195 lbs

Dropping VIces

Inaction comes at the price of missing out on your best life.

Take it from somebody that’s actually been there. 

Nothing external can provide us strength. Our true strength is found when we cut out the things we do not need. 

Fast MoNey

The beginning of the end
...(of the beginning)

As a child I as looking up to the gangsters. I wanted the fast life and everything that came with it. 


Lying to myself

Even after I dropped the hard drugs, I still had a toxic relationship with weed and alcohol.


A downward spiral

Street life took it’s toll. My vices were killing me. Look how my ribs showed and my face was full of holes.

SElf Actualization

Becoming the man I admire.

Without a guide, the path to becoming the best version of myself has not been easy.

Mindset Coaching

Think about tuning into a radio station. As you dial into the right frequency, the words become more clear.

The world today is extremely noisy. Those who dwell in this static have forfeited control of their minds and will never be free. Few individuals have dared to quiet their thoughts for long enough to listen to their own truth. Those who do have peeked through the curtain, and have a chance to escape the matrix.

My Clients

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Angellica Grey


Ryan Neason


Brandon Parker

Body Builder

Frida James


Natalie Foster

Tennis Player